Creative Blogger Award!

Creative Blogger Award!

Thank you very much indeed to Jordan Reynolds, of LiteraryFuzz, for nominating me for the Creative Blogger Award. It was unexpected as I am quite new to blogging and I am very flattered 🙂

I think that I now get to nominate as many blogs as I like for the award, so here are some nominations – these are my favourite creative bloggers that I have discovered so far, in the short time that I have been blogging. LiteraryFuzz would have got a nomination from me if I’d been nominated by anybody else!

– Writing Stories Rocks
– Gulab Jamman Writes
Perth Street Poetry Collective

So the rules go that I now have to tell you five facts about myself, so here goes!

1) I have recently discovered that I love Okonomiyaki (a Japanese pancake dish)
2) I am not a professional dancer but I do love to dance (especially bhangra)!
3) I am incredibly short sighted and need to wear glasses or contacts daily
4) I speak two languages fluently and a third almost fluently
5) I find it quite difficult to read maps / follow directions and am quite sympathetic of Joey (from Friends) when he ‘gets in the map’…

For those who have been nominated, here are the next steps to take:

1) Contact all of your nominees and notify them about their award. You can pick as many blogs as you’d like.
2) Give a quick shout-out to the blogger that nominated you and post a link to their website.
3) Share five facts about yourself to your readers.
4) Display the Creative Blogger Award image above your post.
5) Pass along these rules to the nominees.

Thanks again for my nomination 🙂

Ro x