Newcomers: Part 1 of 2

Hi all!

It’s going to have to be a two- (or perhaps three?) parter, I’m afraid (EDIT 19/02/18 – it’s a two parter!!), if I’m to get it in before tomorrow! Here is last Wednesday’s belated post (a short piece from my fantasy universe

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Friends at Play

The following short story is from a universe of my own creation, which I am building bit by bit. As such, it is close to my heart. I hope you enjoy it! Expect more from this universe every other Wednesday (opposite to diary entry Wednesdays).

“It’s the king, stupid. See the jewels in his turban?” Karim said, prodding the piece of paper clutched in his new friend’s hands with the wooden stick he had been using as a pretend sword. “And that’s you lot.” He shifted the wooden stick slightly to indicate the swarms of people sat around the central figure.

Sayem frowned down at the drawing, which made ‘his lot’ look quite dirty and ugly. “We don’t look like that.” Continue reading